Every year, spring break is highly anticipated by students and teachers. Why not? A week off in the middle of one of the most stressful times of the year? Forget those tests, all of those lectures and assignments, and let yourself cut loose over break! Teachers and students celebrate spring break a little differently though. Here are five ways how.
1. Just waiting for break
Students always think they are the excited ones for spring break. Classrooms become hard to manage. Children run in the hallways. Meanwhile, the teachers that keep everything running are, deep down inside, more like this when that final bell rings:

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2. Sleepy time
When it hits spring break, students are ready to go! Vacations, parties, spending time with friends. They try to squeeze as much into a week as as they can.
Teachers, on the other hand, prefer to spend much of their spring break recovering from work. Their bed becomes their best friend.

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3. How teachers spend the week
When teachers have finally recovered, they may decide to spend their vacations in ways that students don’t expect. While kids are out hanging out with friends, teachers are recharging their batteries. Some choose to spend quiet time alone.

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Others may choose to spend time with friends or family they haven’t seen in a while because work has been so hectic.

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Other teachers have a more exciting spring break than their students might ever imagine.

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4. Even with all of the fun packed in, most teachers use part of spring break to catch up on their work.
While students party and relax at the beach, teachers spend some of their break catching up on grading, reading, and other important tasks.

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5. When it’s all over, teachers know that their break was a much needed stress reliever in the middle of a hectic time of year.
Even though teaching can be a difficult job, they’ll head back to work on Monday with a gleam in their eye and a spring in their step.
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